בוענאָס־אײַרעס, אַרגענטינע – 7 נאָוועמבער, 2013

Buenos Aires, Argentina – 7 November, 2013

פֿון אַבֿרהם ליכטענבוים

Published November 07, 2013, issue of December 06, 2013.
The Argentinean government gives grants to synagogues seeking to make their buildings wheelchair-accessible, a lecture on Jewish handwriting is given at the Shalom community, a TV program in Argentina on the Balfour declaration airs, a Chilean Senator accuses Israeli youth of being spies, the Jewish inter-religious dialogue association holds a conference with Muslim and Catholic scholars, swastikas are displayed at an Argentinean school and the number of reported anti-Semitic incidents doubles in Argentina.

זע דעם שריפֿטלעכן טעקס


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