בוענאָס־אײַרעס, אַרגענטינע – 2 יאַנואַר, 2014

Buenos Aires, Argentina – 2 January, 2014

פֿון אַבֿרהם ליכטענבוים

Published January 02, 2014, issue of January 31, 2014.
Buenos Aires swelters under record heat not seen for 100 years leading to electrical outages and protests, Buenos Aires’s Jewish cultural center organizes a theater-series for children, Buenos Aires’s Jewish community participates in a Catholic-ceremony in honor of international peace-day, the 20th anniversary of the agreement between Israel and the Catholic Church is recognized, YIVO completes a course for young teachers, selling Anti-Semitic literature is legal in Chile and the conservative Jewish movement remembers its leader on the 20th anniversary of his death.

זע דעם שריפֿטלעכן טעקסט


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